I have always been fascinated with the concept of time travel. I have written some theories, like "Nothing Has End," but time travel is one concept that has always challenged me.
One fine evening I was sitting and then I realized, that if the future can be changed, then it will lose its meaning to be the future, at least for our timeline
This is because the future is meant to be something that hasn't happened but will happen.
Several theories try to explain different paradoxes in time travel to the future. Let's try and understand;
In a deterministic world, the future is fixed, and everything unfolds according to cause and effect. If you could see the future, it would be unchangeable, because your actions to "change" it would already be part of the timeline you saw.
This is consistent with the idea of a predetermined future. If you change it, then what you saw wasn't the future at all but a misinterpretation.
In an indeterministic world, or probabilistic universe, the future isn't fixed but instead a set of possible outcomes. Seeing the future would mean seeing one potential trajectory, not an inevitable event.
If you act to change what you saw, you are shifting to a different potential outcome. This aligns with the idea of many possible futures and your ability to influence which one becomes reality. But there is one catch here that not many scientists talk about. This could only be agreed upon if you can witness all the possible outcomes happening at the same time or one by one, in that case, you know what is happening. I mean all possible universes should be physically experienceable or else there is no proof that it wasn't a simulation.
In my opinion, if we can change what we see as the future, then what we see isn't the definitive future - it is a possibility. The "future" would only truly be the future if it is fixed and inevitable. Thus, the act of changing it implies it is not the future but a prediction or intuition or might be a simulation running in a computer.
This also says a lot about time travel in the future, and that is we might be able to travel to the distant future, but we might not be able to change it. Something that is supposed to happen will happen and something that is not supposed to happen might not happen at all.
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